blackbird.jpg (30437 bytes)

2005-10-02 @ 11:37 p.m.
sunday meme of the utmost importance

A list I stole from poolagirl

I am not�confident

I hurt�when I see animals in distress

I love�art and chocolate

I hate ...cigarette smoke and lying

I fear�intimacy, spiders, everything

I hope�I win the lottery so that I can buy a newer volvo than my brother's

I hear�Harry Connick, Jr. playing jazz in the background

I crave�affection

I regret�telling my Dad' third wife I knew she was stealing his money

I cry�more than Tammy Fae Bakker

I care�about what people think too much

I always�avoid conflicts

I long to....find my soulmate so that I can experience marriage counseling firsthand

I feel alone�everyday

I listen�to what's being said between the lines

I hide�my feelings and anger and let things build up

I drive�therefore, I am (confucious, 478 BC)

I sing�like a rock star in my car...just not anywhere else

I dance�when democrats get elected

I write�like no one's reading

I breathe�a sigh of relief every time my car starts

I play�the piano

I miss�my dad so freakin' much

I feel�incredibly frustrated without a car

I know�all the words to "Total Eclipse of the Heart". call CNN

I say� �Hey flippyhead" to my cat every morning

I search�for $100 bills on the ground

I learn�from watching people rather than reading books

I succeed�occasionally. I just never savor it

I fail�when it comes to love and money. shit.

I dream�of having a house with a garden

I sleep�very tentatively, just like I live

I wonder�when I'll meet someone I can love

I want�to be thinner and be able to get the daily show with jon stewart

I worry�that I'll die alone

I have....enough angst to replace all the water in all the oceans on the planet

I give�up sometimes, until my shrink gives me The Look

I fight�pain by sheer determination

I wait�for hell to freeze over, so that I can finally win the lottery

I need�a new car, love, an endless supply of batteries for my sex toys

I am�creative and humorous, unless you count humble

I think� people should stop killing each other over stupid things

I can�t help the fact that�I have a lot of skills, but can't seem to be successful

I stay�hooked up to the internet so I don't have to have a life

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Lyrics by Lennon/McCartney. All angst copyright by awittykitty
