
cat - 2006-01-07 00:52:38
Wow, love your ghost stories.
hissandtell - 2006-01-07 01:05:55
Right, this is getting spooky. I was sitting down this morning to do the Five Things memethingy for my next entry, and I was writing about ghosts. I stopped briefly to read sparkspark's entry - and it was about ghosts. We need to discuss this further, missy. Is it because it's Feast of the Epiphany or something? (Which, of course, is indeed a grand word...) Happy Mardi Gras, mon petit cherie. Love, R xxx
GoingLoopy - 2006-01-07 03:31:09
Hissy,Mardi Gras is not for a whole month. I know, because that's when I got laid off LAST year. Don't confuse my unemployed ass...and the four words I'll never get tired of: "Have some free money!" ;)
hissagain - 2006-01-07 03:45:47
What do you mean it's not for a whole month, miss loopycakes? Why, I saw the Mayor Of NO cutting the King Cake with my own eyes earlier today! (Well, he wasn't using my eyes to cut the cake, obviously, because that would just plain hurt. And be very squishy, also. But you take my point.) Anyway, I think the Pope himself would tell you that the Feast of the Epiphany marks the official start of Mardi Gras season, missy. So you best start getting into practice to flash for beads, alrighty? x
Nanc' - 2006-01-07 10:17:36
I never get tired of the word "grievous." This year, Mardi Gras begins on Tuesday,28 Feb but there is early hype to draw back the crowds. I once encountered the ghost of a child. Sadly, there are spirits roaming about.
Holly - 2006-01-07 10:29:24
After my dad passed away, for the longest time I would constantly be seeing other men who looked almost exactly like him in stores and other public places. I kept running to run up to them, some how it made me feel a little better, like he was still with me or something.
warcrygirl - 2006-01-07 11:08:23
I believe in ghosts but I've yet to see my grandfather apparate anywhere. Of course, he was low-key 'in the background' in life so maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.
hissagainagain - 2006-01-07 11:36:56
Fat Tuesday itself is indeed February 28th. However, Mardi Gras celebrations in NO always begin officially on January 6th, which is Epiphany (or Twelfth Night, or King's Day), and end on Shrove Tuesday. x
awittykitty - 2006-01-07 11:38:24
I don't even need a holiday to flash for beads. :-)
candoor - 2006-01-07 12:06:45
information and amusement, as usual, you've made a meme more fun than yellow snow... and I, for one, have no problem with flashing for beads or anything else lasting a whole month, or two, for that matter... in fact, I think a daily flash would make this world a better place :)
Kathy - 2006-01-07 12:12:16
I sent a good cartoon about the music thing to your d-land email account. Hope you get it! -K.
barbelle - 2006-01-07 17:53:53
Encountered a cat ghost. Really scared me! My poor departed "Mitty" rubbed against my ankle. Made a believer out of me! P.S. - Survivor, yes. And Rome (HBO).
wittykitty - 2006-01-07 18:05:05
I had a similar experience barbelle. The night after my cat Little One was put to sleep, I felt something jump on my bed right after I had turned the lights off, in the exact way she had always done. I was so freaked out I turned the light on but nothing was there. It happened for several nights after that too, but then I realized it was just Little One wanting to sleep with me for a little while longer. She was my pet from childhood and I was in my early 20's.
Muffin - 2006-01-07 18:30:56
I adore the television show "The Office". It is a test for me to see if a person is potential friend material. If they dig it, they get it! They are a-okay with me.
barbelle - 2006-01-07 18:53:49
That makes me sad for Little One! My cousin Liz in Pasadena had a cat named George who disappeared. A friend of hers was going to a psychic for issues with her departed mom. Liz didn't want her going to the man's house alone so she went with. The man said "Do you know a George?" Her friend said no, Liz said yes without saying who. The psychic said "George got hit by a car."
Phil - 2006-01-07 23:52:44
Throw in the office tragics who have no life except for answering emails on a Sunday and reading some witty goodnes.
Kelly - 2006-01-09 23:10:57
Six Feet Under ruled. I loved that show.

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