
hissandtell - 2005-11-11 22:09:08
Get out of town! If that gobo root isn't actually a dried bull's dick, I'll eat my hat. Or something. Love, R xxx
Smed - 2005-11-11 22:23:56
Meany - 2005-11-12 01:06:38
I think Ms. Hiss needs some of your meds, Witty.
Belle - 2005-11-12 01:14:36
Now THERE'S something I want to hear in a clinch: "Oh baby, suck my gobo root." Sorry, uncalled for and totally inappropriate comment. Heh.
Phil - 2005-11-12 02:20:09
Great! Now I have to change the nickname for my penis.
stepfordtart - 2005-11-12 05:59:03
being a proper English laydee I wasnt sure what a gobo root was, so thanks for the pic. Actually I was too busy laughing at the lunch meat in the sink - sorry, dont know why I found that so funny. perhaps it was just that the word penis was in the very next sentence and I was making that "flabby/overpink/not-sure-I-want-to-eat-this" connection (and thinking of Shagnasty, obviously!) x
warcrygirl - 2005-11-12 10:47:26 these gobo roots come in different shapes and sizes like real-life man roots do?

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