
T - 2006-12-22 21:13:18
Actually... even though I barely made the 'mono-polar' list (much less the bi-polar list... guess I'm just polarly-challanged), I could use a 'Let the Stress Begin' coffee mug. How cool! (and sadly, true) :)
LA - 2006-12-22 22:12:03
Brilliant! Cafe Press, babes, that's all I'm saying. ~LA
Andria - 2006-12-22 23:19:23
I thought you were talking about my old boss - she would go through buying phases, and at one point, she bought about 300 pairs of cowboy boots from eBay. That was after the Barbie phase, the costume jewelry phase, the bathrobe (?) phase, etc. I think that list is bogus. I mean, are they going to make a "fat girl" gift list? With cheese, stretchy pants, and cat litter on it?
skibigsky - 2006-12-23 17:39:13
Ooooh! I so want to get Mr. V. a 'World revolves around ME' t-shirt!!!
skibigsky - 2006-12-23 18:03:17
Okay, I found said aforementioned t-shirt. Of course, it won't come until after Christmas, but it will be So Perfect!!!!

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