
Kungfukitten - 2006-12-28 01:34:20
Hmm, what's the medication? Usually most medication side effects go away after a couple of weeks, but still. We don't want you to change your screen name to awellbehavedratherblandkitty. It's just so not you.
Poolie - 2006-12-28 01:40:28
KFK is right! We love you no matter how much poop is under the model's butt!
Miss Hiss - 2006-12-28 02:17:46
Hmmm. All poop aside, orange *is* the colour of insanity, so they say... Love, R xxx
spazs - 2006-12-28 05:31:12
Hm. What if you double the dosage?
Pam - 2006-12-28 06:06:06
I dunno - a model with cactus arms and the word "poop" under her butt seems pretty spontaneous to me!
cardiogirl - 2006-12-28 08:39:55
I agree with KFK, most anti-depressants need a ramp up time for the side effects to go away. I'd stick with it for a couple of weeks and then re-assess. Maybe you can get inspiration from the Salvador Dali-like feelings for your artwork. Good luck.
Smed - 2006-12-28 08:57:06 if the poop were melting or had an apple in front of it...then I'd be worried!
dom - 2006-12-28 09:26:44
you do know that you now have a brief free period where you can do absolutely anything inappropriate that you want and blame it on the new drug, right?
scotvalkyrie - 2006-12-28 10:14:06
If there's a drug out there that allows me to draw nude models with cactus arms and the word "poop" under her butt, I want in. Actually, that sketch seemed very Jules-Feifferish to me. I think it's the poop. I wonder, was the "poop" a metaphor for actual poop, or an onotomotopoeia for a piffle?
Andria - 2006-12-28 10:43:03
So many times you post one of your pieces, and I think "that's my favorite!" But the cactus-armed pooper is definitely my all-time favorite.
LA - 2006-12-28 11:04:50
I think I'd be mildly freaked out by such odd side effects. Not the artwork, but the other stuff like being floaty and out of body. ~LA
warcrygirl - 2006-12-28 12:08:37
Look at the bright side, at least you didn't draw the model pooping a cactus.
GoingLoopy - 2006-12-28 14:46:53
...I like the picture, too. And (just from my insomniac, sleep-deprived perspective, that is) I think sleeping a lot is better than no sleeping. ;) Hopefully the side effects will go away soon.
Holly - 2006-12-28 16:25:50
the whole out of body thing would have me freaked. I've had drugs do that to me before. Does your doc have some one covering for him??
skibigsky - 2006-12-28 17:40:02
Hah!!! I love the artwork!!!! Although I'd hate the whole side-effect-drug-thing. Yuck. (BTW, the 'it's all about me' shirt arrived today - and like predicted, the spouse LOVED it!!!! Thanks for the idea!!!)
bOXX - 2006-12-28 23:12:59
That just may be the new wonder diet drug. 18 hours of sleeping=18 hours of NOT eating. WheeeeEE!

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