
warcrygirl - 2005-12-15 12:33:06
Now I love boobies, and I love my boobies (though I wish they were smaller, go figure) but freakish monster boobies? No thanks. Were they the Kong of boobies? If she dived into the Pacific would the West Coast have only minutes to flee before the oncoming tsunami killed them all?

Do we get to see your rendition of Monster Boobs 2005?
wittykitty - 2005-12-15 12:54:25
No Warcry. I was too traumatized by them as well....the MASSIVE JUGS DEBACLE '05. And also none of my drawings were particularly inspired because she was SO boring.
Andria - 2005-12-15 13:28:08
I grope myself with alarming frequency (like, all the time). I love my boobs. I don't however, love those over-sized, big fake juggs that girls get that don't look ANYWHERE near natural, and the skin is pulled so tight you can see the ripple in the implant. That's just gross.
Smed - 2005-12-15 14:08:10
The store bought boobies frighten me. I like mine homemade.
LA - 2005-12-15 14:35:40
As the owner of 100% homegrown massive JUGS which I have had digging shoulder divots and making collar bone calcium spurs on me since I was 10, I really have to wonder at these chicks who pay to have their boobs so wildly overinflated. Who wants their breathing restricted, to get their bras custom made at blacksmith shops and to forever have a backache? Besides, the humongo fake ones are just fricken scary to look at. Actually, ALL the fake ones are scary looking. Can't imagine there's much pleasure in playing with a pair of hard plastic mutant Barbie boobs either. Boobies, like Charmin, should be irresistably squeezable. ~LA
Belle - 2005-12-15 15:01:57
I'm thinking the flames and lightning bolts would shoot out her...JUGS!! I dunno, I have a decent set, a very full C, and I have very good bras (fiber form so no nipplage shows, like, ever), but even they start digging into my shoulders. Also, I've notice that they have begun to migrate south a little bit. And that stupid date with the boat on the waterfront brushed against them and said, "THEY'RE REAL?!?!?!" There are definite minuses to having boobage, but I guess we're just in a boobie-oriented culture. It's a shame that people feel they have to mutilate their bodies to fit in.
xat - 2005-12-15 15:47:25
I like my boobs, too. I used to say to my biker friends, when they wanted me to go to strip clubs with them, "Okay, I got no problem. I'll hang with y'all. Just remember that I've got my own. I can take 'em out and play with 'em any time I want." The looks on their faces. *giggle* And someone recently asked me how I had 20-year-old's boobs--I said I'd give 'em back when I was done. *laugh* At any rate, I saw some super-scary boobage in Vegas at the strip club we went to Monday night.*eep!* congratulations on surviving the Terrible Boobs o' Doom! **!X
awittykitty - 2005-12-15 16:13:56
Belle's right. I slipped up. Flames and lightening bolts should be coming out of the nipple area. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet when I wrote this, this morning...
Nanc' - 2005-12-15 17:44:19
I would just like the men to weigh-in on this: Do you care if they are real or not? Can you tell my feeling? I'm thinking not.
Nanc' - 2005-12-15 17:44:56
I would just like the men to weigh-in on this: Do you care if they are real or not? Can you tell by feeling? I'm thinking not.
Kelly - 2005-12-15 18:13:28
Hahahaha! I always get freaked out by nipples the look up at you. At least they weren't like Pam Andersons. she has wonky nips. one looks up, one looks down. I also really wish that flames and lightening bolts came out of my nipples.
Phil - 2005-12-16 00:03:20
I'm a beliver in the Weird Science rule:- Anything more than a handful and you're risking a wrist sprain.
Gumphood - 2005-12-16 10:56:00
I think that it would be interesting to draw that to be honest with you. And being a guy, here is a little secret. "If we can touch em they are real." hehehe
candoor - 2005-12-17 11:06:11
I had flashes of Austin Powers robot attack girls all through this entry... as for telling real or not, working in the medical field helps the ability to be able to tell, but I think it really depends on the product used and surgical technique... weight, density, substance, size, firmness, texture, movement all plays a role in knowing... personally, I prefer natural one-handful to breasts that need their own area code...
f-i-n - 2005-12-17 16:14:33
I wouldn't know about such things.

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