
Smed - 2006-01-24 23:32:39
Might as well jump! Nice painting, as usual!
hissandtell - 2006-01-25 00:12:08
Darling, we *all* give a higher yield if we're milked to music. Personally, I recommend Marvin Gaye. Love, R xxx
warcrygirl - 2006-01-25 06:37:27
Bwahahahaha! I love that site. And I'm always turned on when I come here.

Gumphood - 2006-01-25 09:44:00
Purple Hair! Nice touch. Love that painting.
Zon - 2006-01-25 11:58:25
2,000 people have climbed awittykitty? And some died on the way back down? You heartbreaker, you.

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